Helpful Conversions
Cubic Centimeters x 3.531 x 10 ^ -5 = Cubic Feet
28,317 Cubic Centimeters = 1 Cubic Foot
1 Cubic Foot = 28.317 Liters
1 Liter = .03531 Cubic Feet
1 Liter = 1,000 Cubic Centimeters
.001 Liter = 1 Cubic Centimeters
Millileter = Cubic Feet
1,000 Cubic Centimeters = 1 Liter
Cubic Feet Per Hour x .472 = Liters per minute
Cubic Feet Per Hour x 472 = Cubic Centimeter per minute
Rule of Thumb double hole size = Quad The Flow
(good estimating only)

Estimated Flow Charts for Bird Orifices are based on Dry Air
To Convert to ALTERNATIVE GASES divide Air Flow by (Specific Gravity New Gas)
.010" oriface @ 50 PSI=
2200 Seem Dry Air from chart
To convert to Carbon Dioxide:
2200 1.520=
2200 ÷ 1.23 = 1789 Seem
1789 Seem
Carbon Dioxide @ 50 PSI

Specific Gravity of Gas Specific Gravity of Common Liquids
Acetylene 0.905 Acetone 0.790
Air 1.000 Alcohol, Methyl 0.79
Alcohol, Ethyl 1.590 Ammonia 0.662
Alcohol, Methly 1,110 Carbonic Acid 1.08
Ammonia 0.590 Diesel Oil 0.85
Argon 1.379 Ether 0.736
Benzene 2.695 Freon 1.490
Bufane 2.071 Gasoline 0.748
Carbon Dioxide 1.520 Kerosne 0.80
Carbon Disulfide 2.630 Linseed Oil 0.93
Carbon Monoxide 0.970 Mercury 13.54
Chlorine 2.470 Milk 1.03
Ether 2.550 Nitric Acid, 60% 1.37
Flourine 1.310 Oil, Vegtable 0.91
Helium 0.138 Oil, Mineral 0.88
Hydrogen 0.069 Water 1.00
Hydrogen Chloride 1.270 Water, Sea 1.03
Hydrogen Sulfide 1.189
Methane 0.555
Nitrogen 0.967
Nitrogen Oxide 1.530
Octane 3.943
Oxygen 1.105
Propane 1.547
Silane 1.114
Sulpher Dioxide 2.210
Water (Steam) 0.620

For other helpful conversions, visit